Monday, August 22, 2016

Lincoln's Tomb

Lincoln's Tomb is located at Oak Ridge Cemetary just north of the downtown area of Springfield.  It is the final resting place for President Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, and three of their four sons.  The other son is buried at Arlington Cemetary per his wife's request.

The tomb is a large structure comprised of a large central spire towering from a two level main structure adorned with statues.

The center door of the tomb leads you inside.  The interior is lined throughout with marble from many states and countries.  The inside is circular.  The back of the circular area is where Lincoln lies.  His actual remains lay 10 feet under the tomb.  The remains were moved under the tomb in 1876 after two criminals tried to steal the remains.

A bronze bust of Abraham Lincoln stands in front of the tomb.  It is said to be good luck to rub the nose of Lincoln.  Notice that the nose is bright and shiny compared to the bronze patina of the rest of the bust.

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