Friday, September 30, 2011

Catching Up

Through the miles of flat, open fields of the Texas panhandle and New Mexico so far, data access has been slim.  I will catch up with postings while we are in Albuquerque for a couple of days.

Old Road

We have been seeking out portions of old road along the way.  Some are breaking up, some are overgrown, and some are just old road with gravel covering it.  As we drove further into Oklahoma, the dirt and rocks became red.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Train!

We found a train displayed at the Galena Museum.  Ha Bear just had to take some pictures on the train for Corey.  Most of the museum was how the town was built on the mining industry.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The first big stop of the day was meeting Mater.  (Here he is called Tow Tater for copyright reasons.)  One of the fellas that Mater hangs out with, Rob, told us all about how Mater got the part in the movie.  Ha Bear was giddy to have his picture taken with Uncle Steve and Mater.

A Museum in a Library?

Who knew you could have a museum in a library? This one made me think of RRPL. A wing of the library was dedicated to Route 66 complete with displays of a gas station, old motel room, and a diner. The library had a marvelous coffee shop too. Grabbed a caramel hot chocolate on the way out.

Bit of Eden

We spent last night at a quaint Bed & Breakfast in Joplin, MO.  The owners, Bill & Marge, were very nice.  Bill is an artist and the decor showed it.  Ha Bear especially liked the stained glass window in the shower.  He was disappointed that he does not take showers.

On the way out of town, the scenery was just normal neighborhoods, housed and businesses, then all of a sudden, it looked like a war zone.  We entered the area that the tornado touched down in spring.  Buildings were half missing, trees were stripped of everything except their trunks and a few thick, leafless branches, and construction was going full force.  We have pictures, but they will have to wait.  They are on the other camera.

Finding History

One of our greatest finds of the day took us off the marked route to a portion forgotten by time.  We found Vernelle's Motel, which seemed to be still in use.  Down the road a bit was the remains of John's Modern Cabins.  (See the pictures.)  The road, which was deteriorating, ended at the town of Arlington. If it wasn't for a house that was still occupied, it was a ghost town cut off by time.

Route 66 Motors

Rout 66 Motors was full of gems from history.  The owner was a kind gentleman who was more than happy to chat with us.

Wine at 10 am?

The St. James Winery tasting room opens at 8 am, so we had to stop.  It was a large gift shop with a big bar in the middle.  The bar was lined with chilled bottles of wine and tiny plastic cups for tasting.  A quick behind-the-scenes tour showed us the fermentation process and the separation process.

Route 66 Outpost

Our first stop yesterday was the Route 66 Outpost.  It is not hard to find.  The giant rocking chair out front gives it away.  The gift shop was nice. They also offer an archery store and a taxadermy service.  Well, we are in the country. 

A train going by added to the ambiance of the place.  Uncle Steve took video of it for Corey.

Cuba... a great little city

The Wagon Wheel Motel was our home away from home last night.  The rooms were quaint and in individual dwellings.  Connie has done a marvelous job refurbishing the place and adding some nostalgia with the car out front.

Cuba is proud of the fact that they are a mural city.  In the heart of town, several buildings have huge magnificent murals spanning the side walls.  Those pictures will have to be posted later.

Ha Bear knows that his best buddy, Corey, loves trains, so he had to have his picture taken in front of the train sculpture in the center of town.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hiding Out with Jesse James

We stopped at the "gateway to the west" today - the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.  Ha Bear just had to have his picture taken with the Arch. It is on a different camera, so they will be posted later.  We also stopped at Ted Drews Frozen Custard.  For such a chilly day, they were very busy.

We also spent some time at an old hideout of Jesse James, Meramec Caverns. During the hour and twenty minute tour, we saw some marvelous caverns like the pictures here.

Chain of Rocks Bridge

Started the day off walking over the Mississippi River.  What an awesome feeling standing over the mighty river.  I can only imagine what the travelers in the 1920s and 1930s felt.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Many Small Towns

Stops in small towns not only gave us insight into the towns, but also gave us opportunities to meet great people like the mother who lost her son in Iraq.  She planted fresh flowers in her son's memorial on the town square, and she wanted us to know his story.  It was a full day, and Ha Bear was tired.  He road into the hotel on the luggage cart!

Follow the Red Brick Road

It is special to find old brick parts of the road.

Quiet Bridges

Sometimes bridges that start falling apart are just closed to traffic.

Abandoned Road

After spending the morning at the International Route 66 Festival in Springfield, IL, we headed out on the open road again.  The route splits just south of Springfield into the old 1926-1930 Route and the post 1930 Route. We chose the earlier route, so we encountered quite a bit of really old road including abandoned areas.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Cozy Dog

We finished up our day meeting a friend at The Cozy Dog.  The Cozy Dogs were good, and the staff was wonderful.  Thanks for letting us chat until you had to kick us out.

A Little Drive

Ha Bear wanted to help out with some of the driving.

Bob's Murals

Here is one of Bob's murals in Pontiac.  I found it fitting that we were in a town called Pontiac with my Grand Prix. 

The Ultimate Route 66 Bus

Bob Waldmire was a Route 66 icon and artist.  In fact, he drove Route 66 in his bus creating his art.  Some of it can be seen in the form of murals in towns along the route.  After Bob died, his bus permanently sits at the Route 66 Museum in Pontiac, IL. 

A 1926 Gas Station

I knew of Beckers Marathon on Route 66 in Dwight, IL, since I started researching the trip. Well, Becker retired and gave the property to the city.  It is now a museum and a friendly stop on 66.

The Polka Dot Drive In

Ha Bear is having some lunch with us at The Polka Dot Drive In in Braidwood.


Joliet was a great town.  Although, I should talk to Mother Nature about the rain.  Ran into a couple of old friends at the Route 66 Museum, and made a new friend, Elaine.  Thanks for the hospitality and info Elaine!

The Beginning

I just had to get a pic by the sign.  Note to self:  check for major events in big cities before a road trip.  Lol

Lou Mitchell's

Our day started with a great breakfast at Lou Mitchell's in downtown Chicago.  The free donut holes you are greeted with are yummy.  Oh, and I love the Milk Duds for girls only.  Sorry, Steve & Ha Bear.  :-)

Friday, September 23, 2011


Relaxing at the hotel tonight after a big day of driving to Chicago.  Can't wait for tomorrow!

Woo Hoo... We Are on the Open Road

Before hitting the highway to Chicago, the start of Route 66, we stopped to fill our tummies at Bob's.  (And to see my favorite waitress, Vicki, who is a dear friend.)  Could it be that the food is extra special today?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Meet Ha Bear

This is Ha Bear hanging out at Aunt Angie's house before the long trip.  Corey wanted to come, but he started school a couple of weeks ago.  So, he sent his best bud, Ha Bear, on vacation with Aunt Angie.  He has been supervising the packing.